Prospects for the appointment of Seko Keisan Sang-in as the Secretary-General

With the remodeling of the Cabinet and the personnel of the Liberal Democratic Party, Prime Minister Abe is determined to replace the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, Seko, and Mr. Seko is expected to be appointed as the Secretary-General of the House of Councilors. In addition, including the reappointment of the chairman of the Moriyama National Assembly, he decided to treat the party leaders.

Prime Minister Abe decided to restructure the cabinet on the 11th of this week. The policy is to maintain the party skeleton.

Following this, Prime Minister Abe decided to replace Seko's Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr. Seko is expected to be appointed as Secretary-General of the House of Councilors.

Prime Minister Abe has also solidified his intention to be treated by party leaders, including the reappointment of the Chairman of the Moriyama Diet.

Mr. Seko, who has been the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry for three years, is also serving as the Minister for Economic Cooperation in Russia, and as Prime Minister Abe, Mr. Seko is close to himself and has the ability to implement policies and disseminate information. By appointing as the secretary general of the House of Councilors, it seems that there is an aim to stabilize the administration.

On the other hand, Mr. Moriyama has been serving as the chairman of the National Assembly Committee since August, and it seems that Mr. Moriyama will continue to treat Mr. Moriyama as a party leader, aiming for stable party management.

Prime Minister Abe, who has been elected by this cabinet reshuffle, has been elected, and actively recruits members who have no ministerial experience. The scale is expected to exceed 12 people.