• Ambrosetti, the concerns of entrepreneurs
  • Prodi on the Government: 'Finally we will have a serious relationship with Europe and a stronger weight'
  • Tsipras: without Italy a progressive Europe cannot be built


by Tiziana Di Giovannandrea 07 September 2019Brown without reserve Boris Johnson. Promoted Emmanuel Macron and Angela Merkel. Giuseppe Conte postponed.

The more than 200 businessmen who took part in Cernobbio, at Villa d'Este, as part of the second day of the European House - Ambrosetti Forum, were asked to express their feelings on the political work of the leaders of the main European countries through televoting. , Italy included.

79.5% of them judge the political work of British Prime Minister Boris Johnson very negatively. Only 2%, instead, positively promotes the tenant of Downing Street.

The judgment on the French president Emmanuel Macron is rather moderate: on a scale of 1 to 9, in fact, 21.3% of entrepreneurs express a 7. The most negative are 4.9% while the most enthusiastic of the work of the Elysée are 8.5%.

Moderate appreciation also for Angela Merkel : the German Chancellor collects a 7 in the rating report on the work by 21.9% of the audience. A very negative sentiment, however, for 3.1% of entrepreneurs in Cernobbio and very positive for 6.3%.

The judgment of Cernobbio on the Italian premier Giuseppe Conte is controversial. For 23.7% of entrepreneurs the work of the Prime Minister does not reach sufficiency and tears off a 5 in report card. To be very negative, however, is 14.7% of the audience, while the most enthusiastic of Conte are 2.6% of those present.

More entrepreneurs trust in Europe
The audience of over 200 entrepreneurs at the Ambrosetti Forum in Cernobbio also expressed their confidence in Europe, also via televoting. The figure that emerges indicates an increase in confidence in Europe.

Those who have a high level of confidence in European institutions are 22.8%, compared to 8% recorded last year. Those who have a very low confidence index are 4.1% (in 2018 they were 13.3%).

Among the priorities among those asked by the entrepreneurs of Cernobbio to Europe, in the first place there is effectiveness on security, immigration and foreign policy (19.6%), in the second place the strengthening of the Single Market (15.9%) , in third place the greatest convergence in budgetary policies and tax harmonization (15.2%).

As far as the bailout policy is concerned, the case addressed and on which the entrepreneurs expressed themselves was that of Greece. The opinion was found before and after the intervention of the former Greek premier Alexis Tsipras. If previously a very negative opinion prevailed (16.7%), after Tsipras' speech this percentage dropped to 10%.

Finally, entrepreneurs were also asked about the risk of a populist drift in Europe : those who believe that this risk is very low is 3.6% of those present, while those who see a high risk are 14% overall.