
September 06, 2019In the night the head of the electoral commission, Ella Pamfilova, was attacked at home, struck with an electric pistol, similar to the taser. It is reported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The incident occurred in the Moscow region, in the urban district of Istra. The Russian Interior Ministry's official spokesman pointed out that the investigations took control of the department's leadership. Think of a robbery. It seems that nothing was stolen from the victim inside the house. But Pamfilova is well and is participating in an international conference in Moscow.

Sunday 8 in many regions and cities of Russia will vote for local elections. On the eve of the vote, last night the police broke into three of the opposition leader's offices in Moscow Alexei Navalny. During the summer there were mass protests after the electoral commission ruled out opposition candidates, including some of Navalny's allies. So Navalny promoted an "intelligent voting" strategy, urging supporters to vote for candidates best positioned to beat the current holders aligned with Vladimir Putin's Kremlin.