Signer with 200 personalities in a tribune demanding the end of intensive breeding, comedian Laurent Baffie explains on Europe 1 that this fight is also a fight against itself.


The association L214 has just published the manifesto When the end no longer justifies the means (editions Les Liens Libérer). In a forum published on Franceinfo, 200 personalities question on this occasion the public authorities on the necessity to put an end to the intensive breeding. Carnivore, Laurent Baffie is one of those signing personalities. He explains to Europe 1 his choice to campaign "for a breeding, a slaughter and a transport worthy, as far as possible".

Baffie "does things knowing that it's not good"

"We must not oppose people who eat meat and those who do not eat," said the comedian, who "shares the fight L214 200%". He himself is not a vegetarian and willingly concedes food choices that he considers sometimes questionable. "I like everything that is bad, like Bordeaux wine, while it is the one in which there is the most pesticides.I like the foie gras but I never eat without feeling guilty a little It's a battle against myself, I do things knowing that it's not good, "he admits.

" Big names know that people do not have money "

Laurent Baffie also attacks the "big names" who "profit from the poverty of the people": "Who pull prices down and the conditions of production? They know that people do not have money and prefer to buy ribs of pork at 3.4 euros per kilo at 5.4 euros, people poison themselves and poison people. "

Awareness too late?

Overall, the comedian is not very optimistic about a happy outcome to this fight: "Things have to change, but it's already a little too late for them to change at all levels. While consciousness is evolving, it will take many more years, and all of this is very badly done. "

Is there any reason for hope in this food stagnation that he describes? Yes, believes Laurent Baffie, thanks to L214. "We are not able to make clear labels," storms the host. "We do not know what we eat, but it's thanks to associations that we know a little better."