Iran's President Hassan Rohani wants to endow Iran with everything it needs for uranium enrichment.

Iranian President Hassan Rohani announced on Wednesday night that he has removed any limits to nuclear research and development in order to provide the country with everything it needs to enrich uranium.

"The organization of [Iranian] atomic energy is ordered to take all necessary measures in terms of research and development and to abandon all the commitments in place in this area," Rohani said on television. State, presenting the "third phase" of the plan to reduce Iran's nuclear commitments.

This measure is taken because "we have not achieved the result we wanted" in the context of the recent diplomatic attempt led by France to try to prevent the nuclear deal concluded in July 2015 in Vienna from shrapnel, said Hassan Rohani.

The Iranian president made the remarks soon after the US envoy for Iran Brian Hook ruled out any "waiver" of US sanctions against Iran to facilitate a credit line to Tehran. as part of this French mediation.

Iranian economy suffocated by US sanctions

The Vienna agreement has been threatened since the United States unilaterally emerged in May 2018, before restoring economic sanctions against Iran, whose economy, entered in the second half of 2018 in a violent recession, is asphyxiated by the American policy of "maximum pressure".

The new measures are being taken "so that we can witness an expansion in [the field] centrifuges" and "we know that this is a big step that the Islamic Republic of Iran is doing".

Iran has already reversed some restrictions on its nuclear program

In retaliation for the US withdrawal from the deal, the Iranian authorities have since May begun to reconsider certain restrictions on their nuclear program (increase in enriched uranium stocks beyond the limit set by the Vienna Agreement, enrichment ore at a level prohibited by this text, ie more than 3.67%).

On July 7, they gave 60 days, until Thursday, to the remaining parties to the agreement (Germany, China, France, Great Britain and Russia) to help them bypass US sanctions, on pain of seeing them to free oneself from other obligations.

Hassan Rohani gave Wednesday "to Europe" a "new deadline of 60 days" to meet the requirements of Tehran otherwise Iran will untie a little more of its commitments made in Vienna. "At any time, if the Europeans return to their commitments, we too will come back to ours," he said.