At least 20 people, however, during Hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. And even more deaths are expected to be reported as relief work continues, Island Health Minister Duane Sands told the Washington Post.

At the same time, entire residential areas have been eradicated during the 40 hours the hurricane hit the island nation.

"It is one of the biggest national crises in our country's history," Prime Minister Hubert Minnis said during a press conference on Tuesday.

record Winds

The fact that Dorian left devastation behind is not strange if you look at the data that is now available.

As the hurricane pulled in over land with its center across the Bahamas island of Great Abaco, winds of 82 meters per second were measured. In doing so, it hits the previous record of 1935 when Hurricane Labor Day pulled in over Florida. This confirms the National Hurricane Center in an email to SVT.

Only a hurricane in the Atlantic has had stronger winds. It was Allen who in 1980 measured winds of 85 meters per second, but then over the sea. When Allen reached land, they had weakened to 51 meters per second.

More rain than during Katrina

During the days Dorian passed through the Bahamas, satellite data from Nasa shows that the rainfall was 600 mm.

- It is easier to understand the amount if you consider that there is 600 liters of water per square meter, says Tora Tomasdottir.

The Bahamas has been hit by more rain only on an earlier occasion, in 2007 when it rained over 700 mm according to the National Hurricane Center.

But Dorian beats several other weather disasters that caused major flooding, such as Hurricane Katrina in 2005 when it rained the most, and the superstorm Sandy in 2012 that gave 180 mm.