The trial began on Tuesday morning with one of the attorneys giving his picture of how the fireball tournament during the school closing week led to a brawl and ended with getting a stab in the back.

After lunch, the other plaintiff would also give his picture, but the trial never started again. After a few hours of uncertain waiting, the chairman of the court gave Jens Möberg an unexpected message.

- There are obstacles to continued main negotiations in this case. There has been a question about the ability of a defender to remain in the case.

A prosecutor and prosecutor had then presented obstacles to continued negotiation. Because the defendant in a previous case is represented by a co-accused's lawyer - and he therefore did not want to participate in the trial.

"The district court regrets this because the district court knows what stress it means to participate in a trial," said Jens Möberg.

The trial would last for six days and conclude next week. When it can now be resumed is unclear today.