Why do hiccups often attack us at the worst possible moment? Here are some ways to get rid of them quickly:

Cover the mouth
The next time you have a hiccup, try to squeeze your nose and mouth with your hands, and continue to breathe normally. Moreover, you can breathe inside a paper bag if you own one. Either way, the extra dose of carbon dioxide should help you get rid of the hiccup. According to a report published by Reader's Digest, written by Elaine Russell and one of the magazine's authors.

2 - pressure on the palm of the hand
If the first method does not remove the hiccup, try pressing the palm of your hand with your other thumb, and the stronger you press, the better. Alternatively, you can squeeze the area between your left thumb and index finger. It should be noted that doing this movement can distract the nervous system that would save you from hiccups.

3 - breathlessness
The next time you have a hiccup, take a deep breath and hold your breath.When the amount of carbon dioxide inside your lungs increases, the diaphragm relaxes, helping you get rid of the hiccup.

4 - extend the tongue
When you're alone, try to stretch your tongue. In fact, many artists and actors do this exercise because it helps you expand the opening between the vocal cords. The more you breathe smoothly, the cramps that cause the hiccups stop.

5- Plug the ears
Place your fingers in your ears for 20 to 30 seconds, or tap the area behind the earlobes.When doing so, the brain sends a signal through the vagus nerve attached to the diaphragm to stop the hiccup.

6- Drinking water
To get rid of the hiccup, you should take a quick sip of water, because the rhythmic contractions of the esophagus go beyond convulsions in the diaphragm. If this doesn't work, place a paper towel over a glass of water, then drink through it.

7- Combining the two previous methods
If you can plug your ears while drinking water, it will be better.All you have to do is put your fingers in your ears and drink water using a hood, so you squeeze the vagus nerve. It should be noted that this method is one of the most effective home remedies to get rid of hiccups.

8. Eat something sweet
Eating a teaspoon of sugar is one of the most common treatments to get rid of hiccups.

9 - eat something acid
Eat a teaspoon of vinegar, and its sour taste can stop the hiccup.

10 - Eat a little peanut butter
In fact, eating a tablespoon of peanut butter is a classic remedy to get rid of hiccups. During the chewing process, swallowing and breathing patterns are disrupted, which makes you get rid of hiccups.

11 - eat a little hot sauce
This method can be very effective, because heat and burning distract attention enough to shift your body's focus on the feeling of burning rather than hiccups.

12 - eat a little honey
All you have to do is put a teaspoon of honey in warm water, drink this solution and leave it under your tongue and then swallow it. Honey tickles the vagus nerve to stop the hiccup.

13 - neck massage
One of the most unusual ways to get rid of the hiccup is to massage the neck.Massage or squeeze the carotid arteries on the left and right sides of your neck to get rid of the hiccup.

14 - annexation of the knees to the chest
Try to sit comfortably before attaching your knees to your chest, then hold this position for two minutes. When your knees are attached to your chest, pressure is generated, which helps stop the diaphragm spasms.