Sharon Lavie, a family economist at Ikano bank, has calculated what costs a student has and her calculation shows that it is difficult to get the student funding.

- The budget I have made shows that students go back 270 SEK each month.

The calculation is based mainly on the Consumer Agency's cost calculations. The rent of SEK 3580 per month is based on statistics from the Student Housing Companies that show what an average student pays in monthly rent for an apartment.

Photo: SVT

- Many students who live in newly built student apartments pay significantly more in rent than in my calculation. I regret it because then it can be next to impossible to get their finances together.

Save through food boxes

BTH student Patricia Ynner says she would not have got the finances together if she had not worked extra at the hospital.

- Many people feel that they have to work extra, says Patricia Ynner.

Do you have any tips for saving money?

- I cook on Sundays, so I have lunch boxes for lunch and dinner. Then you do not go and small buyers stuff, says Patricia Ynner.

Student Emil Einerskog also saves money by making lunch boxes and sharing the rent with a roommate.

- I hardly ever look outside. This saves you a lot of money. It's up to everyone and make a budget, he says.