• Government, Conte: "Good working atmosphere". Zingaretti: "Via the vice-premier, let's unlock the situation"
  • Between Pd and M5S hours of negotiation for the composition of the new government. Conte: "Good working atmosphere"
  • Government, Di Maio: "Our points are in the program or better vote"
  • Government. Grillo's appeal on the agreement between the M5S and Pd: "A unique opportunity"


02 September 2019I 5 Stars will vote tomorrow, on the Rousseau platform, from 9 to 18, to say whether they agree or not with the government agreement with the PD. Meanwhile both Pd and M5S study strategies internally before moving on to the comparison between them. There is an air of final tightening for the new government. On the scales, we now look forward to assessing the weight of the M5S base consultations with the vote on Rousseau and, of course, the weight of the decisions that the control booths of both the pentastellatos and the dems will take within the day today.

Precisely the consultation on Rousseau could become a decisive element in the realization of the negotiations. On the question this morning, the president of the M5S senators, Stefano Patuanelli, spoke: "The platform is a means that a political movement has decided to adopt in order to make its own decisions, equal to a party direction. If no should prevail, the president of the council will have to dissolve the reserve accordingly: in a negative way, I see no alternative ". And then on the agreements between Pd and M5S he commented: "There are comparisons in progress. It is not a quirk, it is a question of structure, of how two political forces interface with the Prime Minister. We are two forces that have "For a long time, it is not a problem of seats. We would prefer two deputy premieres, but it is certainly not an issue for which we will not proceed. I believe there is a good chance that the dialogue of these days will lead to a positive result."

Control booths
This morning a meeting of the M5S board and ministers was held at Palazzo Chigi, presided over by the leader of the Movement and vice-president of the Council, Luigi Di Maio, particularly taciturn with the press these days. A few minutes ago Culture Minister Alberto Bonisoli, Alessio Villarosa and Manlio Di Stefano came out. "The role of vice-premier? We have not even spoken today of deputy premier but of the 20 points of the program, Conte will decide." Thus Manlio Di Stefano, Undersecretary M5S for Foreign Affairs at the end of the meeting at Palazzo Chigi. "There is no clash - said Di Stefano - Grillo always has his technique, give a bludgeon to give the message to everyone better: he speaks to his daughter-in-law because he intends to say".

At 13, instead, the "control room" of the Democratic Party called by the secretary Nicola Zingaretti to the Nazarene with the party president Paolo Gentiloni, the deputy secretaries Andrea Orlando and Paola De Micheli, the group leaders Andrea Marcucci and Graziano Delrio, the vice presidents Anna Ascani and Debora Serracchiani and the treasurer Luigi Zanda.

Count at the Hill
The president in charge Giuseppe Conte aims to climb to the Colle at the latest the day after tomorrow to report to President Mattarella. Meanwhile, while negotiations continue, M5S-Pd negotiations to try to form the Giallorossi government, today Conte in the Sala dei Busti di Montecitorio listened to the associations of disabled people and a delegation of citizens' committees of the earthquake-stricken areas of Central Italy. All in super-armored form, off limits for the press.