80 years after Nazi invasion of Poland German President apologies September 2 15:24

80 years have passed since September 1 after the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany, which triggered the Second World War. At the ceremony in Poland, German President Steinmeier apologized and the leaders of both countries ringed the bell and renewed their commitment to peace.

The ceremony was held on the 1st in the first bombing area in central Poland, in Bavaria and in the capital city of Warsaw, with President Duda in Poland, European leaders and Vice President Pence from the United States.

Poland was invaded by Nazi Germany on September 1, 1939, 80 years ago. Two days later, France and Great Britain declared war on Germany, and World War II began.

At the ceremony, German President Steinmeier apologized in Polish saying, “I ask for forgiveness of past sins.

In response, Polish President Duda replied, “The most important thing is that the President is here.” He ringed the bell and renewed his commitment to peace.

On the other hand, Poland was also invaded by the former Soviet Union during World War II, but President Duda did not invite Russian President Vladimir Putin to the ceremony, saying that "imperialism still remains in Europe" He criticized the merger and showed a sense of caution.