• Courts.The National Court refuses to ban the 'Ospa Eguna' from Alsasua because there is no history of serious crimes

Just a few meters from the Koxka bar, where two civil guards suffered a brutal beating in 2016, giant posters in Basque ask the civil guard to leave town. "Alde hemendik. (Get out of here) Ospa (outside). In Alsasua they are not loved and find" a thousand reasons "to" pack "and leave. It looks like a party. Day run, popular food, kalejira (march) ), night concerts ... But it is not. In the race, where dozens of people participate, the runners have the motto Ospa inscribed on their shirts (outside) and in the kalejira, the march that ends the acts before going to the concerts, attendees chant in Basque "leave us alone, leave here", while throwing luggage with that motto dedicated to the Civil Guard. Lighter water. It is the Ospa Eguna, (goodbye day or of the expulsion), destined to request that the Civil Guard of the people leave. Today it was celebrated without incident, nor police charges. With the normality so abnormal that it is seen in many areas of the Basque Country and Navarra that the exit is requested of the Euskadi Security forces and bodies or that photos of prisoners are exhibited at parties d e the localities, as has happened recently in Bilbao and Vitoria, withdrawn only when the judge's order has mediated.

The Ospa Eguna has been held every year since 2010. It is not new that Alsasua is asked to leave the Civil Guard of the town. Only in 2016, the surroundings of the nationalist abertzale that organizes it decided to suspend it on the occasion of the trial of the 8 young people who were finally sentenced between 2 and 13 years for participating in the beating of the civil guards and their partners, although they were acquitted of the crime of terrorism, and his sentence will be reviewed by the Supreme Court on September 18.

It has never been prohibited this particular "party" dedicated exclusively to request that the Civil Guard leave "on a preventive basis, as intended on this occasion by the Prosecutor of the National Court accepting the complaint of Dignity and Justice and the Professional Association of the Guard The prosecutor considers that the single call implies that the organizers accept ETA's strategy of demanding the exit of the Security Forces and Bodies of the State of the Basque Country and Navarra and considers that it is an apology for terrorism and a crime of hatred against the agents who are intended to harass and isolate in the village Judge Ismael Moreno, however, decided not to prohibit the act, remembering that he cannot act preventively, and simply ordered it to be the Interior Department of the Government of Navarra and the security forces who will monitor and prevent any possible crime, but all the acts of yesterday were carried out without witness to police. Neither the Civil Guard nor the National or Regional Police, at least visibly.

Already the president of Navarra, the socialist María Chivite recalled a few days ago that these acts have not been banned, neither with the PP Governments in Madrid nor with UPN in Pamplona, ​​although she disagreed with the call.

In addition to the race and popular food, in which only a hundred people participated, the most massive act of this day was the kalejira, a march in a festive atmosphere, to ask, like the whole day, that the Civil Guard leave of the town, and that made a tour of the town by way of viacrucis of the "repression". 14 stops for an hour to make various performace caricaturing, for example, the meeting of citizens in the town, with a banner in which Albert Ribera was seen under the symbol of the phalanx and the Nazi swastika, or to simulate torture of the Police and Civil Guard, or the "repression of young people" of the regional police. Because, they say, the "repression of the people" did not begin with the fight against the Koxka, but "there is a hostile map of the repression woven for decades," they say in their parallel reality. In this march no more than 1,000 people took part. . Therefore, it must be said that while the abertzale environment took the place against the Civil Guard, the rest Alsasua, where more than 7,400 people live, remained oblivious to the call, continuing with their life in bars and restaurants as one more Saturday. "People don't feel like fussing," said a waitress at a local bar, noting that there were few people in town yesterday, "They've preferred to leave."

And that the whole town seems a platform to claim the release for the 8 young people who remain imprisoned for beating civil guards. Posters on the windows, banners, drawings of stars with their names on the ground or an accountant near the town hall, which governs Geroa Bai, shows the days they have been imprisoned: 1021. And many windows with the motto "utzi bakea, village Hemedik" (leave us alone, leave here. "

Civil guard associations denounce "impunity"

The Spanish Association of Civil Guards (AEGC) considered that the acts of the Ospa Eguna involve the closure to a black week for the body and denounced the criminal "impunity" in the face of the 21 attacks suffered by its agents in this week to which the acts of Alsasua put the finishing touch.

They recalled the ten civil guards injured in an intervention to end an illegal party in Ibiza, beating a civil guard in Almeria or the eleven agents injured in Ceuta.

And before the Ospa Eguna they ask themselves "how long" do they have to "continue supporting the civil guards to be the fairman that everyone can hit without having any criminal consequences" and denounce the criminal "impunity" of the aggressors

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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