By RFPosted on 31-08-2019Modified on 31-08-2019 at 20:52

The Independent High Authority for Elections issued Saturday, August 31 the final list of the 26 presidential candidates of September 15 and a model of the future ballot vote. The election campaign starts on Monday.

It is a candidate of less than the last presidential elections of 2014, but a much tighter game, because this time, several personalities clash.

In 2014, the late President Beji Caid Essebssi gathered a lot around his person and the vote against the Islamists.

This time, there are several new facts: the Ennahdha party presents for the first time its candidate, the lawyer Abdel Fattah Mourou, quite liked by the electorate nahdoui, could also brew wider. Youssef Chahed , head of government and president of the young party Tahya Tounes will also seek the position while his Minister of Defense and opponent Abdelkrim Zbidi will try to rally the progressives.

Others are also on the rise. One of the only two women candidates, Abir Moussi, president of the Free Destourian party, relies on the popular classes as his rival, the businessman Nabil Karoui who has seduced the most disadvantaged, but who is likely to campaign in prison. He was arrested on August 23 for tax evasion and money laundering.

This election promises to be eventful with voters increasingly undecided about the plurality of choices.

► See also: Three televised debates before the presidential elections, a first in Tunisia

This is the first time that the presidential election is held before the legislative elections in Tunisia since the revolution, this first round will be decisive for the legislative elections on October 6th.

To read also: [Analysis] Presidential in Tunisia: what to retain candidatures announced?

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