- Since we have no working air conditioning in this world's most expensive hospital, we sometimes get very high humidity, 70-80 percent. Then we increase the heat to reduce the humidity and counteract condensation. Sometimes it has been 25 degrees in the operating room and it is terribly great if these are difficult and extensive operations, says one of the surgeons at New Karolinska to Svenska Dagbladet.

Condensation on heart and lung machines

In some of the humid operating rooms, condensation must be removed from the heart and lung machines and constantly wiped off slippery floors, according to newspaper reports. A doctor is afraid that the lack of work environment can lead to more people leaving the hospital.

- The latest is that for the sake of savings, you have withdrawn the juice that you usually offer to surgeons and surgical staff during long surgeries. It is absurd, the doctor tells SvD.

Chief physician: "Have an action plan"

Torbjörn Söderström, one of the chief physicians at the hospital, tells SvD that the problems with the climate at New Karolinska have arisen in recent years.

- But Region Stockholm has an action plan to deal with it and we follow it. We have a contingency plan for exhibiting dehumidifying equipment.

When asked why NKS lacks a functioning air conditioning system, he answers:

- NKS has an air conditioning system that we trim to dehumidify the air. The one that was initially installed has now been modified inside the operating rooms. Then there are other spaces where we have no dehumidification and that is a problem. The building standards that exist for hospital construction have been followed, but no account has been taken of this type of climate problem.