• Italian kidnapped in Kenya, Moavero: "Dreadful, let's follow closely"
  • Kenya, Italian kidnapped: intelligence seeks proof that she is still alive to start negotiations
  • 23-year-old Italian volunteer kidnapped in Kenya. Witnesses: "They were looking for her"
  • Kenya, police: 23-year-old Italian kidnapped woman


November 23, 2018The Kenyan police announced another six arrests, three of which were significant, for the kidnapping of Silvia Costanza Romano and declared a certain "optimism" to find the Milanese volunteer kidnapped in Kenya on Tuesday. This is what emerges from statements by the Kenyan police chief, Joseph Boinnet, relaunched by various media including the site of the issuer "Capital FM".

With the 6 of today the arrests made by the police go up to 20.

"We are on a good track"
"We also arrested three people who gave us very valuable information that went to support the ongoing operation to track down and rescue the kidnapped lady," said the Inspector General 'Boinnet as reported on the radio site Kenyan. "We have a significant amount of optimism that we can find the lady as soon as possible," the senior official said.

Close to the identification of the motive
The police chief also revealed that the investigators are close to determining the motive for the kidnapping, that is to say if it happened through extortion and if the al-Shabaab Islamic terrorists are behind the kidnapping. This was reported by the site of the Kenyan broadcaster "Capital FM" summarizing statements by the inspector general. "We have people who witnessed the incident and who say that the kidnappers were asking for money. Surely we cannot be certain who they are and why they kidnapped the lady," Boinnet reported.

Moavero: "Terrible episode"
"It was a terrible episode," said Foreign Minister Enzo Moavero Milanesi, answering a question about the Italian cooperator kidnapped in Kenya. Silvia Costanza Romano: "We are following it from the beginning with the Farnesina crisis unit and you have had all the news that was disseminated, "he added, interviewing Uno Mattina," the Kenyan authorities are working hard ". "There is an inevitable reserve, but what is important to know is that we are following very, very closely" the story, he concluded.

Manhunt with drones to find Silvia
Manhunts and drone searches in Kenya to monitor the area where Silvia Costanza Romano was kidnapped. The head of the regional police, Noah Mwivanda - reports the website of the Star newspaper - said that the security forces use drones to control the area of ​​the village of Chakama, county of Kilifi, where the kidnapping took place at 20 local, in a market .After the attack, Mwivanda reported, a large security operation was launched with the involvement of several police forces and special forces, charged with "tracking down suspects who are believed to be hiding in the forest". provided numbers, inviting local people to call and report any useful information, stating that any communications "will be treated with the utmost confidence". The police chief confirmed that "several arrests were made" and added that those arrested "are collaborating with the police, providing details on the attackers, with a view to arresting them and rescuing the Italian".

Silvia Romano, 23, was taken away from the building where she lived by force by three men - but the local media also spoke of five, a septum or eight people - who were shot to ward off people, injuring five people. these at least three children. The action has not yet been claimed.