A couple recently bought their own island with associated buildings, both on the island and on the mainland. But when they applied for a beach protection dispensary for a new building, there was a halt.

No one had an exemption

It turned out then that none of the buildings on the island they had purchased had beach protection dispensary. There was also no permit for water pipes, fiber extension, bridge and bridges.

- It seems like a close watch that someone buys something called black building, says Kristina Höök Patriksson at the County Administrative Board in Västra Götaland.

Reviewed by the County Administrative Board

It is up to the municipality to decide on beach protection dispensers. Something that the municipality in question has now tried. They provide beach protection dispensation for almost everything already built on the island. But the municipality's decision must now be examined by the county administrative board.

- Dispensations that municipalities provide should always be passed on to us. We look at whether the decision is made on legal grounds. If that is not the case, we will take the matter up for review. Then we can cancel the dispensation, change it or approve, says Kristina Höök Patriksson.

Nothing should be built 100 meters from the water

In Sweden, our water should be available to the public. Therefore, nothing should be built along with water, and 100 meters up, which can prevent it. If you still want to build a jetty, boathouse or patio deck, you need to seek a so-called beach protection dispensary.

Can get torn

If a building does not have a beach protection dispensary, it can go so far as to demolish it. When it comes to the island, the municipality's decision has not yet been fully reviewed by the County Administrative Board.

- But if we dispense with the dispensation, the municipality will have to look at the matter again and find out if it is reasonable to demolish what is not dispensing, says Kristina Höök Patriksson.


SVT's reporter on the municipalities that give the most dispensaries Photo: SVT