Parents who are registered at the home of their grandparents, uncles or friends, documents that are falsified and even simulated divorces. And all with one goal: to get a place in the school dreamed for the son. At all costs.

The fraud in schooling in Andalusia has become a phenomenon as usual every course as complaints about the lack of places in certain schools that, due to their location or prestige, are the most demanded. A good part of them, in addition, are concerted centers.

Looking ahead to the course that is now beginning, there are about 300 applications for schooling under suspicion, according to the data provided by the Junta de Andalucía.

Specifically, the Police Unit Attached to the Board is investigating 293 cases of school enrollments that could have been falsified and distributed throughout the provinces of Seville, Almeria, Granada, Jaén and Córdoba.

The fraud focuses on irregular registrations in homes in the provinces where the problem has been detected.

Seville is the province where most suspected frauds have been located. Of the almost 300 cases under suspicion, one third, 102 of the total, are concentrated here. In addition, 96 complaints are investigated in Almería, while 73 cases have been registered in Granada, 21 in Jaén and one more in Córdoba.

In the Andalusian capital, for example, the ranking of schools in which fraud is considerable is covered by concerted and religious centers . These are recognized institutions within the city, such as the Portaceli school, the Good Shepherd, the White Fathers or the Irish.

In Granada , the investigated cases have increased by 33% with respect to the previous course and in almost half of them it has been proven that irregular registrations were performed.

With these actions carried out by the Attached Police, it is intended to avoid the "serious" damage caused to parents whose children cannot obtain a place in the educational center that corresponds to them by their residence, given that some of these educational places are occupied by minors whose fathers or mothers have falsified the actual registration data so that their children can study in a center other than their home.

The reports made have been sent to the different territorial delegations of Education and Sports, Equality, Social Policies and Conciliation, who are the ones who will ultimately decide on the student's admission or not.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Seville
  • Andalusia
  • Jaen
  • Pomegranate
  • Cordova
  • Almeria
  • society
  • Education

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