IAEA Confirmation Continues Uranium Concentration Activity in Violation of Iran Nuclear Agreement

The IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency, which monitors Iran's nuclear development, has compiled the latest report, confirming that Iran has exceeded the standards stipulated in the nuclear agreement and continues to enrich uranium. It was.

The IAEA, headquartered in Vienna, summarized the latest report on Iran's nuclear development on the 30th and reported it to the Executive Board. NHK obtained the report.

According to it, Iran increased the production of low-enriched uranium against the agreement, and in July the uranium storage exceeded the limit of 300 kg, but as of August 19, It is confirmed that the amount has further increased.

We also officially confirmed that the enrichment of uranium has been increased to 4.5%, exceeding 3.67%, which is limited by the nuclear agreement.

Iran has announced that it will suspend implementation of some of the agreements because the economic benefits promised in the nuclear agreement have not been achieved, but in the latest IAEA review, Iran has exceeded agreement limits It is confirmed that the enrichment activity of uranium has been strengthened.

Meanwhile, the Iranian side continues to permit IAEA inspectors to monitor nuclear facilities.

In early September, Iran was struggling with Western countries, suggesting that it would further increase uranium enrichment, and there are concerns that tensions will increase further.