Tawam Hospital's pediatric intensive care physicians managed to save the life of a three-year-old girl who fought for four hours in a sealed car after her family inadvertently left her with severe heat stress and dangerous complications. Squeeze your brain and enter it into a coma.

The child's grandfather (Maitha) reported that she was with her family on a family visit in Al Bateen area in Al Ain city, where the family inadvertently left her alone inside the car after being sealed off. Doctors managed to help her and save her life, warning parents not to turn to the maids for children.

Head of Pediatric Intensive Care Dr. Nidal Al-Hashaikha said that the child arrived at Tawam Hospital emergency department on Friday 16th August in a coma in addition to serious health complications. She underwent medical and laboratory tests, CT scans and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) devices. The child passed the danger stage within 48 hours, and her health and nervous condition gradually improved and she left the intensive care unit on 24 August. Face it.

He explained that he participated in the efforts of the girl's ambulance and her treatment program, in addition to the intensive care team for children, medical staff from other specialties including neurosurgery, gastrointestinal tract, pediatric neurology department, physiotherapy and rehabilitation. In addition to medical cadres with competence and international expertise in various disciplines have contributed to saving the life of the girl, who was about to die as a result of severe heat stress and serious health complications.

- «Metha» was with her family on a family visit in the Al Bateen area in Al Ain, and her father discovered by chance.