• Zingaretti: finally the confrontation started
  • Salvini: the classic Italian ribaltone
  • Consultations at the Quirinale, tomorrow at 4 pm
  • Government, Pd and M5s continue to negotiate. Meeting at Palazzo Chigi Di Maio-Zingaretti
  • Biarritz, Conte: here to reiterate our country's prestige, Italian party leaders work well
  • Conte: the political experience with the League is closed, it will not reopen


27 August 2019

A few hours after President Mattarella's new consultations began, the negotiation between the PD and the M5s to form a government is stalled. This morning the summit between the two parties' delegations jumped. "We will review the Democratic Party when in their party organs they will have given the go-ahead to the task of Conte. No other meeting until they have officially clarified their position on Giuseppe Conte," said a note from the pentastellars, which he tightly turned to Replied Graziano Delrio: "Dialogue is back, there is no time to lose. The country is expecting serious answers, we are not interested in discussing seats and seats" was the appeal of the group leader Dem in the Graziano Delrio Chamber, leaving the meeting with the big ones of the party. "There is no veto" on Conte, he reiterated. Then, to the question whether Conte should treat instead of Di Maio, Delrio replied: "Someone takes the situation in hand. Enough with personal ambitions". However, if the negotiation has run aground, the responsibility is of the 5 Stars: "Who interrupted the dialogue - indicated Delrio - we were not, the meeting was canceled by them".

On the part of M5S, at least officially, reassurances arrived: "I don't understand that the negotiation has been skipped. It goes on, one thing at a time", the leader of the Five-Star Chamber, Francesco D'Uva, commented. "That Conte is not the point is a great step forward, great news".

But this evening at 7.30pm there will be a joint assembly of 5S deputies and senators. They will meet in Montecitorio with Di Maio and parliamentary sources do not exclude the possibility of arriving at a showdown if closures arrive that will be considered unjustified for dialogue with the Dems.

According to the Pd, the negotiation is stranded on the knot of the vice-premier and the heaviest ministries. In particular, the same sources explain, considering the Count as an M5S exponent, the Dems should have the only deputy premier. Furthermore, to give a change to economic policy, the PD delegation would have asked for all the economic ministries. At the moment the pentastellata delegation would have said no, invoking for Luigi Di Maio the role of deputy prime minister and a weight ministry, such as the Interni. But one of the knots is precisely the Interior Ministry, which the Pd would have asked for one of its exponents (or, at most, a third figure). The denial came from Palazzo Chigi: "In the presence of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, the Interior Ministry's request for Luigi Di Maio was never made, neither by the 5 Star Movement nor by Di Maio himself".

At 4 pm, Zingaretti brings together the PD's control room to take the consequent decisions on the government crisis. Within that time, decisions are expected from the Movement. In 5S chats there are hectic hours of the 5 Star Movement after the stall registered in the negotiation. At 2 pm, Di Maio met with the pentastellati group leaders in the permanent committees of the Chamber and the Senate. A re-edition of the meeting that has already been held and in which only the topics examined by the Chambers and the objectives to be achieved were discussed. And for now, the joint assembly of deputies and senators is set for 7.30pm. They will meet in Montecitorio with the political leader and parliamentary sources do not exclude the possibility of arriving at a reckoning if closures arrive that will be considered unjustified for dialogue with the Dems.

If all goes up, there are already those who hypothesize it as a useful date for the vote on 10 November.

Consultations begin at 4pm today
The former President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, not being in Rome, will be heard by telephone. 4.00 pm President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati. HOURS 17.00 President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico 18.20 HOURS Mixed Senate Group 18.40 Mixed Chamber Group

Wednesday 28 August : 10.00 am Parliamentary Group "For the Autonomies" (Svp-Patt, Uv) "of the Senate 10.30 am LeU parliamentary group of the Chamber 11.00 am Parliamentary groups of Fratelli d'Italia 16.00 Parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party 17.00 Parliamentary groups of Forza Italia 18.00 HOURS Parliamentary groups of the League 19.00 HOURS Parliamentary groups of the 5 Star Movement.

#Quirinale: it is announced the #consultation calendar of the President #Mattarella of 27 and 28 August: pic.twitter.com/Ay8jfMfnyk

- Quirinale (@Quirinale) August 26, 2019