• Government, Zingaretti: "We need discontinuity, we will find a solution"
  • Government, Pd and M5s continue to negotiate. Meeting at Palazzo Chigi Di Maio-Zingaretti
  • Government, the hypothesis Fico premier falls. Today the Dem work tables
  • Biarritz, Conte: here to reiterate our country's prestige, Italian party leaders work well
  • Government. The M5s-Pd negotiation continues, the Fico hypothesis grows at Palazzo Chigi
  • Conte: the political experience with the League is closed, it will not reopen
  • Berlusconi: "In act unprejudiced tactics"
  • Government wanted, tug-of-war between Zingaretti and Di Maio on Conte-bis


26 August 2019

The meeting at Palazzo Chigi between Di Maio and Zingaretti ended in less than half an hour, as part of the negotiations between M5s and Pd for the formation of a new executive. No declarations were issued at the end. Tomorrow afternoon the Quirinale consultations will start.

"We have to listen to each other," Zingaretti said in the morning, who returns to stress: discontinuity is needed. At the Nazarene meeting of the summit dem. "We are ready to work on the contents, we can't wait to talk about what Italy needs. There are no vetoes," says group leader dem Andrea Marcucci coming out of the Nazarene.

Summit of the M5S
It took place in a private Roman house where there is an office that also functions as the branch of the Casaleggio associate, in via Paola in Rome, the meeting of the leaders of the 5-star Movement. Present were the political leader, Luigi Di Maio, the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, the vice president of the Senate, Paola Taverna, the group leaders of the Senate and Chamber, Stefano Patuanelli and Francesco D'Uva. Davide Casaleggio and Alessandro Di Battista, the president of the Antimafia commission Nicola Morra, the undersecretary to the Presidency of the Council Vito Crimi also participate. Absent, for now, the founder of the Movement, Beppe Grillo. At the end, no statement. The meeting took place on the eve of the second round of consultations at the Quirinale. Tomorrow the M5s parliamentary groups will meet tomorrow at 7 pm

Zingaretti: "We need a breakthrough government"
"I am and I remain convinced that we need a government for this country, a breakthrough government," said the secretary of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti. "I want to defend Italy from the risks it runs - the secretary added - which also means defending the ideas, the dignity, the values ​​and the strength of the Democratic Party. We need to listen to each other, the reasons of both, and I hope that in the next few hours there will be the possibility of doing so, until now it had not happened ". We need "elements of discontinuity both on the contents and on a team to be built", Zingaretti reiterates.

Pd Management tomorrow at 18
The national leadership of the PD was called for tomorrow. The timetable, which was set at 6 pm, could undergo changes based on the evolution of the political situation.

Consultations starting tomorrow afternoon
In the afternoon, the Press Office of the Presidency of the Republic announced the calendar of consultations. Tuesday, August 27 : the former President of the Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, not being in Rome, will be heard by telephone. HOURS 16.00 President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Alberti Casellati 17.00 HOURS OF THE HOUSE, Roberto Fico 18.20 HOURS Mixed Senate Group 18.40 Mixed Chamber Group

Wednesday 28 August : 10.00 am Parliamentary Group "For the Autonomies" (Svp-Patt, Uv) "of the Senate 10.30 am LeU parliamentary group of the Chamber 11.00 am Parliamentary groups of Fratelli d'Italia 16.00 Parliamentary groups of the Democratic Party 17.00 Parliamentary groups of Forza Italia 18.00 HOURS Parliamentary groups of the League 19.00 HOURS Parliamentary groups of the 5 Star Movement.