The new technology combines digital map tools, advanced camera technology and drones. A combination of technology not previously used in the forest, the Forest Agency writes in a press release.

- We hope this tool will be a tool for predicting risks at both property and portfolio levels, says Niklas Nyström, forest consultant at the Swedish Forest Agency.

Major problems in warmer climates

Attacks from spruce bark were great during 2018. The dry summer stressed spruces which became more susceptible to infestation. As the summer of 2019 continues with high temperatures and usually local thunderstorms, the attacks appear to be at least as large or even greater in their quarters.

In a warmer climate, we can expect major problems, the spruce bark drillers can continue to attack the spruce a second time instead of previously going into winter rest, says Mattias Sparf, a forest consultant at the Forest Board Östergötland in the clip above.

With the new technology it is hoped to be able to see where in the landscape the risk of attack is greatest.