
August 25, 2019 Two days after the second round of consultations at the Quirinale, negotiations between the Movimento 5 Stelle and the PD seem to have stalled on the name of the eventual new Prime Minister. In the evening, from sources in the Nazarene, we learn that if the M5S was named Roberto Fico, for the PD it would be "an excellent starting point". Already for days a part of the pentastellati parliamentarians had expressed in favor of the premiership of Roberto Fico, the current President M5s of the Chamber. The idea would be in agreement with both the Renzians and Zingaretti. After the no to Conte and Di Maio premier, the PD secretary would consider acceptable the name of Fico, who in the past year and a half had always taken care to distinguish his position on security issues from the official one of the Movement. To attribute the presidency of the council to Roberto Fico, in the Movement since its origins and very close to Beppe Grillo, seems to agree more with the various currents of PD than those of pentastellati. More and more divided between those who want a government with the PD, and recognize themselves in Roberto Fico, and the government's nostalgic militants with the League may have to vote on the Rousseau platform. But the decision whether to propose Fico as prime minister is now in the hands of Luigi Di Maio, Roberto Fico's historic rival.