Convincing a child to improve his or her behavior can be frustrating, and sometimes the more we try, the worse the situation gets. Parents may become nervous and behave in a regretful manner. In these cases, there are certain phrases and phrases that can have the effect of magic, to push the child to calm and obey.

1. It's normal to be upset
The site says that feelings should not be suppressed, even those negative ones. It is therefore a position to recognize the child's feelings and appreciate their importance.

Child emotions such as sadness and anger should be recognized and appreciated (networking sites)

2 - I am also angry .. Let's try the warrior cry
A warrior's cry means shouting for pain, sometimes it is worthwhile, because it is difficult for a person to think logically when he is angry. Studies have shown that anger comes from pain, and it is important to translate this feeling into voices for good handling. .

You seem to feel sad
Sometimes it is difficult to understand the cause of stress and nervousness, because the child himself cannot translate his feelings into words. Although parents cannot anticipate a child's feelings, they can always make hypotheses, which neurologist Dr. Dan Siegel calls "naming something for control."

4 - When you throw your games I think you do not want to play them
Rather than shouting at the child and ordering him to stop throwing things, he can help him communicate and express his feelings, using this sentence, which will encourage him to express his position.

Instead of choosing your child to eat or go hungry for the bed, ask him how to make the dish tastier? (Getty Images)

5- How to make this dish delicious?
Discounts that occur permanently at the dinner table may become a daily torment. Sometimes parents tend to give up and punish the child, saying, "Eat your food or you will go to bed hungry." But instead of this hostile approach, you can put the responsibility on the child himself to find a solution to the problem of not loving food.

6 - You are angry .. But I will not allow you to use violence
While it is important to try to understand a child, it is also necessary to set limits on how he or she expresses his feelings, especially when it comes to violence. Rather than giving him aggressive warnings, you should use this sentence, which explains the difference between feelings and how they are expressed. It sends a message that "it is normal for you to feel this way, but it is unacceptable to act in this way."

7. What you feel now will not last forever
In the midst of grief, the child may be overwhelmed by feelings that his condition is the end of the world, so telling him that this circumstance will pass is the best way to remind him that things will improve.

8 - I'll move to the sofa and be there when you want to hug me
Even the child himself sometimes needs to be sheltered, and if you offer him help refusing, it is best to give him some time he needs, and stay next to him to provide support when asked.

9. Can we start over?
It can always be suggested to restore everything from the beginning, to make things look as they were before anger prevailed and dominated the atmosphere, and hamper understanding between the parties, and this is an excellent way to overcome anger, especially when all solutions fail.

10. What can we learn from this?
Encouraging the child to learn through mistakes is a positive thing, which can be achieved in these situations, where it can be pushed to learn the roots of emotions that you experience, and how to deal with them better in the coming times, lessons that will benefit him in his life.

Your child wants to have a toy with another child and teach them how to get it right (Getty Images)

11- Do you want to be allowed to use his game after him ?
Sometimes your child wants to have a toy with another child, and you can help him deal with his feelings in this case by suggesting alternatives, where you know that it is possible to get what he wants, but provided that the request in the right way, and that there are other options available may be Also enjoyable.

12- Together towards the calm corner
Instead of acting authoritarianly and threatening the child with punishment, this sentence can be used to rebuild a bond with them. Notifying the child of isolation and using words of punishment will only fuel the conflict between you.

13- What do you think to speak and repeat my words?
It is sometimes difficult to push a child to listen to parents when he is busy seeking attention, and refuses to listen to adults. By directing the child to speak and prompting him to repeat it using a whisper, the message will reach him.

Sometimes children get nervous because they feel scared.

14. You're safe
Sometimes children get nervous because of their fear. They may even be afraid of the consequences of their behavior, but if you address them calmly and tell them that they are safe, they are likely to improve their behavior.

15 - You fell and injured your knee .. This is painful
Instead of trying to distract the child and reduce his or her reaction, with the famous phrase "Get up well," it's better to help him understand the feelings of pain.

16. You can always get up again
This message aims to tell the child that he can change, and that failure is not permanent. This helps him cope with his current feelings, and makes him ready to try again in the coming times, and these words make him feel strong and improve his behavior.

17- Do you want me to help you?
It is best to let the child choose whether or not they want help, when they are trying to solve the problem. This method makes him feel free and responsible, and also feels that parents are present under his sight if he decides to use them.

Do you wash your teeth or doll's teeth first? (Getty Images)

18- Do you wash your teeth or doll's teeth first?
Sometimes children show tantrums to control their surroundings. By giving them choices, you give them some sort of control and in return you do what you want and keep the situation under your control.

19. Let's rest a minute
It is always best to give your child time to sit alone and experience their feelings, so tell them you will let them take the time to look into it.

20- What do you want to do to get ready to leave?
Moving to another activity can be difficult for children. The use of this sentence is useful to avoid parent-child conflict, giving it a chance to cope with this change.