According to recent World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, children under five years should have a maximum of one hour of screen time per day, while infants should have no screen time at all.

However, the researcher Emma Frans believes that the guidelines should be regarded as recommendations, as there is currently not enough research on screen time and its impact.

- The recommendations are a bit early as there is limited research in this area. At the same time, the technology is developing very fast and the research is not really up to date.

Emma Frans: A little screen time good

At the same time, she believes that there are studies that show that no screen time is good at all.

- There are studies that have looked at screen usage among young people where you have seen that those who use screen sometimes, but not even - seem to feel best. So removing screens completely is not good, concludes Emma Frans.

See the entire clip where Emma Frans punches the myths of screen time above.