Paris (AFP)

Ségolène Royal, former PS Minister of Ecology, will speak during the municipal campaign to award "credibility labels" to mayors who have worked during their mandate to protect the environment, she said Friday .

She will speak "to support several mayoral candidates to give a credibility stamp on environmental issues to those who have done their job well and need to be comforted", said BFMTV and RMC Mrs. Royal, now ambassador Arctic and Antarctic poles.

Will she support the mayor of Paris Anne Hidalgo? "I do not know what the project is, I do not want to personally criticize this or that mayor," she replied, before noting that "she did some positive things, some less," like the felling of "200 trees on Roland-Garros in a classified site while there was an alternative solution". Or "what is happening today with traffic jams in Paris, it's still a little steep because it accentuates the pollution of the city," said Ségolène Royal.

She also said "bravo" to the mayor of Langouët (Ille-et-Vilaine, a mayor "courageous", "avant-garde", who was summoned before the administrative court of Rennes Thursday for taking a decree prohibiting pesticides to less than 150 meters from the houses.

The former minister thus called on the state to "withdraw its assignment", moreover "when mayors are in trouble, are attacked, exercise their responsibilities", and the government to "open the discussions to say here is in what conditions can be used to prevent pesticide application to protect the health of the population ".

Questioned also about the supposed wish of Nicolas Sarkozy and François Hollande, his ex-companion, to return to politics, she noticed as far as she is concerned: "I was not president of the Republic, so I have the right to think about it a little bit. " Before noting that "it's not the deadline".

Could she take "leadership" in environmental defense? "Why not, we'll see, anyway it's a fight that I will not let go," she said, finding that there was "a very close link between violence against nature and women. violence against women "and that this" marginalization of women "means that in today's world" things are much less harmonious than they could be ".

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