
Let's start with the US and Blue House response to our government's decision to stop the Korea-Japan military information security agreement, Jisomia. The United States called it "strong concern and disappointment," and the Blue House said it was a natural response. He also added that he will strengthen the alliance.

I'm Jeon Byung-nam.


The Blue House clarified the US reaction through an unscheduled briefing.

First, he stressed the close cooperation between the US-ROK National Security Council and the NSC over the last two months, nine times, until the agreement was finalized.

[KIM Hyun-jong / 2nd Deputy Director of National Security Office of the Blue House: We communicated with the United States from time to time in the course of reviewing the matters between Korea and Japan.

In the process, the United States has expressed its intention to extend the agreement, but it seems natural to be disappointed because it did not produce the desired results.

In response to the controversial "America's understanding of the Korean government's decision" yesterday (22), he repeated only the intent that "we had enough communication and consultation."

He also said that through this decision, we will try to strengthen the alliance.

Increasing defense budgets and expanding strategic weapons, such as military reconnaissance satellites and light aircraft carriers, will enhance security capabilities, which means stronger alliances.

However, there was no explanation of how to respond specifically to the United States, which made a rough complaint.