A policeman arrested a man trying to repair a flat tire in an embarrassing way.

On Monday, foreign media including Fox News reported on a 26-year-old man captured at a roadside in Orange County, California.

A few days ago, a citizen walking down the street found a suspicious man and reported it to the police.

The man's car was full of twigs and twigs on the front bumper, as if it had hit somewhere, and the tires on the driver's side were all flat. And the men were trying to repair the tires in such a mysterious way that they wore gauze in broken tires and put a band-aid on them without wearing shoes.
Police investigation revealed that the man was drunk at the time.

Since then, the man's story has been made public on Facebook. The netizens sent anxious gazes, "What if he was drunk with a drug and had an accident with another car?"

'News Pick'.

(Configuration = Cho Do-hye Editor)
(Photo = Facebook OCSDMissionViejo)