
Today's highlights are Beijing, China, where diplomatic talks are held. The chief diplomats of Korea, China and Japan are gathered. The result of the bilateral talks between Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-hwa and Japan's Foreign Minister Kono is intertwined with the Korea-Japan Military Information Protection Agreement, whether Chisomi is extended, and Japan's white list exclusion.

This is correspondent to Beijing Jung Sung-yeop.


The three-year meeting between foreign ministers of China, China and Japan took place at Kobuksujin, a tourist destination outside Beijing. On the first day, the foreign ministers met with the foreign minister.

Kang expressed his difficulties for the ROK-Japan situation to the general manager. Wang said he would do anything China could do in the conflict.

[Kang, Kyung-Hwa / Minister of Foreign Affairs: I have realized once again how wide the relationship and its depth are.]

[Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang / China: The three countries should join forces with neighboring countries to promote further cooperation between Korea, China and Japan.]

The foreign ministers of the three countries had dinner in a friendly atmosphere.

Today, the second round of talks will be held in the morning, followed by a meeting between Minister Kang Kyung-hwa and Foreign Minister Kono in the afternoon.

Diplomatic officials said that we were also considering digging Jesomi into Japan, but the differences between the two countries still remained, but dialogue and communication are necessary. The two countries agreed to continue the conversation.

With our ROK-Japan military information security agreement, Jisomia's extension deadline, and Japan's white list exclusion date approaching next week, the talks will be a crossroads of whether to look for a solution or a solution.