• Today the communications of Conte in the Senate. Di Maio: word to the Hill


20 August 2019Many question marks, few firm points on the scenario that will open after the communications of the premier Giuseppe Conte in the Senate Chamber. The president will probably explain to the House how this government crisis came (still not officially open) by attributing to the leader of the League Matteo Salvini the full willingness to pull the plug on the green-and-yellow government. The premier's conviction, however, from the beginning, was to parliamentarise the crisis to make it "the most transparent in history".

Two, then, the possible roads: Conte's choice to wait for a vote in the Chamber (even if the League's no-confidence motion is not scheduled) and only after deciding whether to go up to the Hill. Or don't wait for the vote and go directly to the Quirinale to resign. Most likely hypothesis, which at that point will officially certify the opening of the crisis.

Dal Colle, meanwhile, despite the contradictory signals from the parties expect resolutive words from the protagonists of the story. In fact, the Quirinale has never made any secret of the fact that we will expect from the political forces, from the parties and from the groups of consistent and solid assessments on the configuration of a possible new majority. The Head of State could postpone Prime Minister Conte to the Chambers to ask for trust, or say yes to the resignation and to start the consultations of the political forces.

Any resignations would also affect the current scheduling of the crisis which foresees tomorrow, Wednesday 21 August, the Prime Minister expected in the Chamber for the same communications. And for Thursday, August 22, the vote on the cuts of parliamentarians (the last vote of the four) workhorse of the 5 Stars. If Conte resigns, the work of the Chambers is blocked and he cannot proceed with the vote on the reform. A crossroads of dates and appointments, on all Monday 26 August when the Prime Minister should have communicated to the EU the Italian name of the European Commissioner.