
17 August 2019The bishop of Sora, Msgr. Gerardo Antonazzo, disavowed the priest who made an anti-migrant sermon and the diocese in an official statement speaks of "questionable personal choices" while the bishop stressed in his sermon that "one of the fundamental cornerstones of the life of San Rocco was the evangelical choice of the "first the others" for the love of the poor and suffering Christ "reaffirming therefore the commitment, with Caritas, for the reception of migrants.

Preaches a shock of a priest during the celebrations for the feast of Saint Roch. The parish priest of Sora, a town of frusinate, Don Donato Piacentini, hurled himself against the migrants and those who helped them. "They go to rescue people who have mobile phones or chains and chains around their necks and who say they come from persecution. But what persecutions? Let's look around, look at our city, our homeland. Let's look at the people next door, who need and how many I have I know, there are many, many, a tide that are ashamed of their state of life ". The words were greeted with objections but also with some applause.