Paris (AFP)

SUD-Rail, the third union of the SNCF, called Friday to strike and to protest against the pension reform on September 24, day of mobilization of the CGT against the government project universal universal pension scheme points.

This point system "will only aim to reduce pensions and extend the contribution period," SUD-Rail said in a statement.

The union will demonstrate on September 24 "with the CGT.We want to build the mobilization with as many people as possible," said AFP Erik Meyer, federal secretary of SUD-Rail.

For railway workers, who "already over-contribute", added Mr. Meyer, the point system will result, "if everything goes as it is", an "increase in pension contributions" and a "decline in pensions up to 'at 20%,' the union calculated.

In addition to pensions, SUD-Rail is also protesting against "plans for the liquidation of public services and social dumping in the railway sector", with the rail reform voted last year. He advocates the "construction of a convergence of struggles and a level of power that will roll back the government" to "stop social regressions".

In the report of the High Commissioner for the reform of pensions Jean-Paul Delevoye, submitted in July to the government, include recommendations for the future universal system by points, whose implementation should begin in 2025. It will replace the current 42 regimes including the special scheme for railway workers.

This report should serve as a basis for the future pension reform bill, which will be presented after consultation.

FO and the CGT have planned to mobilize against this reform, respectively on 21 and 24 September. The social partners will be received by Prime Minister Edouard Philippe on 5 and 6 September.

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