• ISRAEL.Impid entry to two US congressional congressmen
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Democratic congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has requested Israel permission for humanitarian reasons to enter the country to the occupied Palestinian territory of the West Bank to visit her grandmother, after the government vetoed the entrance with her colleague Ilhan Omar for defending the boycott of Israel .

In a letter addressed to the Israeli Interior Minister, Arie Deri, and released on Friday by the digital 'Ynet Tlaib', daughter of Palestinians, requests entry and agrees to respect the restrictions imposed on her and not to promote the Boycott movement , Divestment and Sanctions to Israel (BDS).

"Minister Deri, I would like to request admission to Israel to visit my relatives, specifically my grandmother, who is over ninety years old and lives in Beit Ur Al Fouqa. This could be my last chance to see her. I will respect any restrictions and not I will promote boycotts against Israel during my visit, " Tlaib wrote in the brief letter.

Deri and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamín Netanyahu yesterday confirmed the veto to the two Democratic congressmen, despite the fact that last month Israel said it would allow them to enter and after receiving strong pressure to reject them from US President Donald Trump.

The decision was made public shortly after Trump issued a tweet in which he said Israel would "show great weakness" if it allowed congressmen to enter, who have starred in strong clashes with the Republican Administration and whom Trump accuses of "hating Israel." ".

Both Tlaib and Omar have repeatedly shown themselves in favor of the BDS movement, which legally allows the country to shed their entry based on a law passed in 2017.

Netanyahu said the detailed itinerary of the trip planned by both made it clear that "the sole purpose of the trip was to harm Israel and increase incitement against" the country.

Among other examples, he explained that the congressmen put "as the destination of their Palestinian trip, and not Israel", "they did not request meetings with any Israeli official or government or opposition" and the visit was funded by the Palestinian organization Miftah that, According to the head of the Israeli government, "he supports the BDS and counts among whose members some who have expressed their support for terrorism against Israel."

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) called the veto "scandalous act of hostility against the American people and their representatives" and noted that "Israel, being the illegal occupying power in Palestine, has no right to impose such a ban," since doing so "usurps the right of the Palestinian people to receive visitors in their homeland" and intends "to ensure that their violations remain hidden."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Israel
  • Palestine
  • Donald Trump
  • Benjamin Netanyahu
  • international

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