Alejandra Torrens Wanberg, Rasmus Svälas and Sutthida Chuenniyom got their summer jobs in the municipality and then they got the chance to come up with an idea to get more young people moving. They came up with a joint project idea to organize a sports week for young people in Smedjebacken.

- Our goal is for young people to become more active in everyday life, says Alejandra Torrens Wanberg, project manager.

The aim of the project is to get young people to try different sports and hopefully and want to continue training.

- We think of a super initiative from the municipality of Smedjebacken and look very much forward to the week, says David Wallman, communicator at Smedjebacken municipality.

During the sports week, young people could try soccer, handball, golf, floorball, ice hockey, archery and outdoor gym.

Footnote: LUPP stands for Local Monitoring of Youth Policy