Neurologist Randall Wright has warned against watching television programs intensively because of the damage they can do to our minds, stressing that our desire to watch episodes one by one has a brain-like effect for gambling.

According to Dr. Wright, sitting in front of the screen for long hours creates an "unhealthy environment," which can often lead to social isolation, eating junk food, lack of exercise and deprivation, according to Dr. Wright Chalmers. Sleep well, which damages the brain over time.

According to the writer, watching TV programs intensively makes you feel dissatisfied when you stop watching after five episodes, and may also feel a desire to continue, and this can lead to unhealthy changes in your mind and body over time.

"Over-watching your TV shows is not usually harmful in itself, but it is harmful when it prevents you from exercising," Dr. Wright said.

Dr. Wright suggested doing exercise before watching your TV shows intensively, or even between episodes, because physical activity helps the brain generate new cells. You can also set your alarm to remind you to sleep at a convenient time.

Sitting too long to watch TV may cause obesity (Getty Images)

Unhealthy food
According to Dr. Wright, spending too much time in isolation can lead to depression, so it's important to balance watching TV and integrating into society.

As for snacks, it is advisable to stay away from salty and fatty foods that contain large amounts of calories.

Research has shown that eating unhealthy foods while watching TV for a long time can lead to weight gain.

Last June, experts confirmed that standing while watching your series episodes at once could help avoid the risk of heart disease and obesity that prolonged sitting can cause.

Although research on the health implications of watching TV programs is still in its infancy, studies have highlighted some of its risks.

Diseases of excessive television viewing
A study published in 2015 found that watching TV programs intensively was associated with eight diseases that cause death, including cancer, liver disease and Parkinson's disease.

Researchers at the National Cancer Institute in Michigan have found that people who watch television for more than three and a half hours a day are not only at risk for cancer and heart disease, but also for diabetes, influenza, pneumonia, Parkinson's disease and liver disease.

A study published in July 2016 also showed that watching TV programs intensively could be fatal.

Adults who spend five hours in front of television on a daily basis are two and a half times more likely to die from pulmonary embolism, Japanese scientists reported in the journal Circulation.

Fruits and vegetables are great snacks if you want to eat while watching your favorite shows at once (Getty Images)

Dr. Wright's tips

1. Set a time to sleep: sacrificing hours of sleep in order to watch your programs at once, can slow the work of the brain.

As well as feeling tired and not focused, not getting enough sleep can affect your memory, mood, immune system, heart health and hormone balance.

"Ordinary adults need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night," Dr. Wright noted.

Before you start watching TV, decide when you will sleep to get enough sleep. It is also useful to set the alarm at the time you set to go to sleep so you don't waste time and that will help you stick to that decision. "

2. Prioritize exercise: "Recent research has shown that the brain can generate new cells and connections through a process known as neuronal regeneration, and exercise is an essential component," Dr. Wright said.

3 - Invite friends: Although you may enjoy watching your programs at once or you may find it a good way to relieve stress, spending hours in front of television is not beneficial to your mental health.

"If you watch TV for six hours, you won't be able to interact with others over this time, and it will cause depression and mental health problems," says Dr. Wright.

According to Wright, balancing the time you spend alone with TV and the time you spend with people close to you is essential to avoid social isolation.

Wright recommends inviting friends to watch programs with you or making plans to spend time with your friends.

4 - smart snacks: Dr. Wright stressed that chickpeas and vegetables or fruits are wonderful snacks if you want to eat while watching your favorite programs at once, and you should stay away from salty and fatty foods.