Tom Udall, a US senator from New Mexico, writes that the super rich have a tremendous impact on American politics.

The top 10 donors transferred more than $ 436 million to election spending committees, the most expensive mid-term election ever in 2018, he said in his Time magazine article.

He added that this huge money swept the political process, giving the special interests of the wealthy now more power than ever in modern American history.

He cited a landmark case in 2010 in which Supreme Court and other court rulings constitutionally barred Congress and states from restricting fund-raising and spending in elections, unleashing a flood of corporate dollars in US elections and opening the door for super-riches to uphold their own interests in the country's government at the expense of Americans. Ordinary.

When companies and super-rich have the ability to spend an unlimited amount, they can not only influence the election but also set the political agenda

Odal commented that although this approach took decades to form, these decisions led to further dismantling of campaign finance laws.

When companies and super-rich have the ability to spend an unlimited amount, they can not only influence the election but also set the political agenda, he said.

The contributions of unlimited campaigns have allowed the use of millions of dollars to broadly, maliciously and secretly influence public policy.

As a result of this type of spending, the American people lose faith in the political system, and so the Americans also overwhelmingly support restrictions on campaign spending.

Odal believes that the first step in reforming the damaged campaign finance system is for the Supreme Court to address the root of the problem in a sustainable manner.

He said that the moment is one of the most important moments in the history of America, because the concentration of unlimited spending in the hands of a few will continue to worsen until it spiral out of control, which distorts the voices of citizens on a continuous basis and jeopardize the basis of America's democracy.

He added that if we are to make progress on the real problems Americans face, we must create a fair and open democracy for all. He urged Americans everywhere to contact state and federal representatives and ask them to support the amendment of democracy for all.

He concluded that this amendment will restore power from the special interests of the rich and return it to its rightful place, in the hands of the American people.