In the third lap of the third race in U23-EC in track cycling, what happened should not happen. The Falucyclist Frida Knutsson was in the back of the cluster when suddenly the competitor who was in front of her fell. Frida had no chance of receiving, but drove on her and then fell right down.

- I don't really remember anything from the crash except that I woke up because I was standing on all fours and the blood just sprayed without knowing where it came from, she tells SVT.

A heavy blow for Frida who had finished four with the smallest margin for a podium placement in a competition during the same European Championship before the accident.

So she thinks about the future

Now it has been over a month and she has been forced to bid for a number of different competitions, both domestic and international. But there is still a chance to end the season in a good way.

- Number one has been to come back to a working life. Being able to be nimble and just being able to have conversations, because that has been a problem.

- It does not appear outward, but it has a lot of impact on constantly having migraines.

In the clip she tells more about how she experienced the crash and what the future looks like and what competitions she is focusing on.