Drilling machines, trucks and other heavy machinery are being heard around the new modules that large parts of Gottsundaskolan now consist of. They consist of two floors and several corridors divided into colors. This will be the teachers and students' premises until the new school is completed.

Water, sewage, electricity. All the basics are in place. But during Wednesday morning, parts of the school are still a workplace. One of the workers says that they worked until eleven o'clock in the evening on Tuesday, but he thinks they will arrive on time.

The headmaster is satisfied with the premises

The school's principal, Elisabeth Viksten Eriksson, shares his enthusiasm and is also very pleased with the premises that have grown.

- One student hoped that the school would look just like before, so that we would more easily forget the fire. But I think the students will be very satisfied with our new modules on Monday, says Elisabeth Viksten Eriksson.

Elisabeth Viksten Eriksson, Principal of Gottsundaskolan Photo: SVT Uppsala

Hear her tell me more about the last preparations for the school start in the clip.