• Íñigo Errejón.Califies the investiture of Isabel Díaz Ayuso as "nonsense" and suggests that "there are murky behaviors"
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79 days have passed, but the day has come. Four and a half months later, the Community of Madrid will have a government this week. The popular Isabel Díaz Ayuso faces Tuesday the start of the investiture that will make her president of Madrid, in the wake of her mentors Cristina Cifuentes and Esperanza Aguirre and with the added morbidity of the possible imputation of both in the Punic Case .

Pablo Casado will not be present at the Madrid Assembly for Díaz Ayuso's speech, which Teodoro García Egea will attend. On Wednesday there will be a vote that will make her president of the Community of Madrid, with a two-color government with Citizens and the support of Vox. Plan on the investiture the possible imputation of the future president for the Avalmadrid case.

Parliamentarians arrive at the Assembly

The candidate herself arrives at the Assembly "very excited", and does not stop to talk to the media in the hall. She is accompanied by Teodoro García Egea and José Luis Martínez-Almeida , as well as the vice-secretary generals of the PP Antonio González Terol , Ana Beltrán and Jaime Olano.

"Today in Madrid, history will be made with a government of freedom that looks to the future," says García Egea. Cristina Cifuentes , meanwhile, has shared an image with a curious caption on her Instagram profile.

See this post on Instagram

There is only one former president of the Community of Madrid who has attended the investiture session today, Ángel Garrido , but will listen to the speech from the Citizens bench after his departure from the PP. There are neither Joaquín Leguina, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, nor Esperanza Aguirre, nor Cristina Cifuentes. Marta Belver reports .

"Vox comes today to witness the signing by the PP and Citizens before the Journal of Sessions of the agreement with Vox," says Rocío Monasterio , who emphasizes that there "it will be left in writing that the Vox program is assumed" . Álvaro Carvajal reports .

Rocío Monasterio arrives at the Assembly of Madrid. | EFE

Gabilondo asks Ayuso to explain the alleged scandals that surround him, reinforces his commitment to the commission of inquiry and insinuates that she is a victim of friendly fire from within the PP . "Some of the things that happen don't come from the opposition." Juanma Lamet reports .

He serves as spokesman for César Zafra Citizens in the halls of the Assembly, and reiterates that they will be blunt in case the imputation of Díaz Ayuso occurs.

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  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • Madrid
  • Politics
  • PP

MadridCitizens obtains the Vice Presidency and six councils of the Community of Madrid without yielding to Vox

Madrid Íñigo Errejón describes the investiture of Isabel Díaz Ayuso as "nonsense" and suggests that "there are murky behaviors"

PoliticsVox will make iron opposition in Madrid to go beyond its pact with the PP