• Investidura.Isabel Díaz Ayuso announces "the biggest tax reduction in history" and curds her speech of winks to Vox
  • Adoptive cat. Ayuso props up Married; by Ferrán Boiza

He has not mentioned once the name of Pedro Sánchez in almost an hour and a half of speech, but despite the deliberate ellipsis the future president of the Community of Madrid has made this Tuesday clearly clear that the regional government that will lead during the next four years it will be a counterweight of the central Executive led by the PSOE . In the first of the two sessions of the Plenary for his inauguration, which will conclude on Wednesday with the vote of the deputies in the Parliament of Vallecas, Isabel Díaz Ayuso has shown herself willing to fight the left both by the ideological flank and by that of the proposal of concrete antagonistic measures.

As a graphic example of the latter, the PP candidate has placed on the table debate the tax issue, the hallmark of economic liberalism that defends the center-right bloc and an issue that eloquently marks its differences with the rivals located on the other side of the political spectrum In addition to announcing that it will apply "the largest tax reduction in history" in the region, the popular candidate has undertaken to undertake "the tax cuts necessary to compensate, as far as possible, the fiscal voracity of the Socialist Government."

Already in the field of ideas and in a presidential tone, Ayuso has pointed out that "in such a politically turbulent moment" Madrid will be a "key piece" for the country. "The defense of the interests of the regions can not be used to question the constitutional order and even less to go against the oldest nation in Europe, common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, as our Constitution says," has indicated.

Who will be from this week the baroness with greater territorial power of the PP, fully aligned with the thesis of the president of his party, Pablo Casado, has thus sent a warning between the lines before the possibility that Sanchez can revalidate his mandate at the head of La Moncloa with the support of nationalists and independentistas and, incidentally, censured the appointment of the president of Navarra, María Chivite, thanks to the support of Bildu. He has explicitly criticized the "tributes to members of ETA, even promoted by public administrations", which have recently been released.

«We cannot consent that, in a Rule of Law, the executioner has more recognition than the victim (...). There are some who insist on not complying with the Law, ”Ayuso proclaimed in a national code first, to then descend to the autonomous level. «From the Community of Madrid we will defend the memory and dignity of the victims of all forms of terrorism. We will face those who intend to misrepresent history and stain their memory, ”he said before announcing the creation of a specific Ministry of Justice, Interior and Terrorism Victims.

In a speech full of winks to Vox, who also needs Citizens for his inauguration, the eighth president has included that he will "face any attempt to undermine the unity of Spain , from where he leaves." In addition, he stressed that the Madrid Executive is not going to remain silent in the face of the "totalitarian project" of "those who want to kidnap sovereignty to impose the rupture (...) no matter how much the current government of the nation wants to look the other way. ».

«The voice of Madrid is the plural voice of the Spaniards, who here find a space of welcome and freedom perfectly compatible with loyalty to the Spanish nation. We have a special responsibility. I have it also as a representative of the State in this Community. And I will exercise denounced any concession, cambalache or short-term maneuver aimed at obtaining some political benefit from this serious attack on national unity, ”Ayuso said vehemently.

The president has also said in her speech that the coalition government that she will share with Cs - it is the first time that this formula will be released at Puerta del Sol - will guarantee a safe region “in all concepts”, from the legal to that of transparency through "zero tolerance" against corruption. At that time the deputies of the leftist groups with representation in the hemicycle have begun to applaud with irony, but the popular candidate has ignored and continued with an intervention in which she did mention two of her predecessors in office , Esperanza Aguirre and Cristina Cifuentes -for whom the Prosecutor's Office has requested their imputation in Púnica for the alleged box b of the Madrid PP-, despite having publicly unmarked them only a week ago.

That has been practically the only implicit mention that Ayuso has made to the judicial cases of his party, since he tried at all times to divert the focus to the PSOE, whom he has also accused of trying to "match down" citizens , "As it intends to do in the educational field". «It is not the reality we want and Madrid people have us on their side so that leftist interventionism does not reach their lives. At a time when the socialist government takes us back to the recession and denies it, Madrid will continue to be the economic head of the country, ”he concluded.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madrid
  • PP
  • Isabel Díaz Ayuso
  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Citizens
  • Maria Chivite
  • Pablo Casado
  • Vallecas
  • Vox
  • Bildu
  • Cristina Cifuentes
  • ETA
  • Spain
  • Esperanza Aguirre
  • Europe
  • Navarre

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