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The actions of the emergencies everywhere in France are numerous since February and the movement does not seem to weaken even after the announcements of the Minister of Health AgnĂšs Buzyn. AFP Photos / Xavier Leoty

In France, social protest in hospital emergencies does not falter. The Inter-urgences collective, which until now has been coordinating the protests on social networks, has just launched a website to reinforce its action.

This collective, established last February, is not a union. The movement was launched without special structure, in two Parisian hospitals under the impetus of a nurse and a caregiver. They are soon joined by their counterparts from other Paris institutions, then by hospitals in the Paris region and health workers from other regions of France .

A site to follow the actions of the movement

From now on, the collective has metamorphosed recently in association with gable on Web . " It's a key digital tool to carry and structure our demands, " explains Anne Claire Rafflegeau, nurse and spokesperson for Inter-Emergencies.

" When we saw the scale of this movement, it was obvious that our means of communication needed to evolve in order to become a health player for emergency paramedics. On this site, there are media press reviews in which we have participated since the beginning of the strike. Also, what is quite visible is a counter to see that emergency services are still extremely mobilized since they number 217, details the spokeswoman of the Claire Rafflegeau movement . We also have a discussion forum for the members of the group, that is to say that all paramedics emergencies can have a record in his name and discuss between professionals. To support there is also this movement a petition to sign and a kitty that is already on social networks . People will be able to see in real time our news. "

📣The site is online! ↘https: //t.co/02PP5IcWHp

Find all the latest news from the Collectif, our press releases, our interventions in the media. #soutienalagrevedesurgences

The Inter-Emergency (@InterUrg) August 9, 2019

Insufficient measures announced

The last meter reading of this interactive map shows 217 services still mobilized at the count of August 9, about more than a third of French hospitals. Another observation, if the movement shows signs of slowing down in the Paris region, it now extends to the entire territory. The measures announced in June by AgnĂšs Buzyn, the Minister of Health, to relieve congested services have not had the desired effect.

â–șTo listen too: " Health priority ", Emergencies in crisis, emergencies on strike

The strikers are still demanding 10,000 additional jobs and the closure of bed closures. No summer truce in sight for these health professionals who will continue to alert relentlessly on the conditions of reception of patients whom they judge today not being able to take charge properly.