- Both I and the chairman think it is reasonable for someone from the outside to look at it. It's easy to be questioned, says social manager Annikki Tinmark.

The mother is believed to have killed her son and then committed suicide. The woman had been investigated by the social services on several occasions. Just over six months earlier, an inquiry into her suitability as a custodian had resulted in a decision on no measures.

In July, a new investigation was conducted of the social service after the father went to court and demanded sole custody of the son. The mother had a documented tablet abuse, a psychiatric diagnosis and reports of suspected suicide attempts.

- Here are many people who have had contact with the family. There are many in the administration who are deeply concerned. The case as such is not exceptional, but the end is it, says Annikki Tinmark.

Has started a lex Sarah investigation

After the mother and the boy were found dead, the Social Service decided to start a Lex Sarah investigation of their own conduct in the case. Normally, such an investigation is done by our own administration, but in this case an external consultant has been hired. First Annikki Tinmark turned to other municipalities for help with the investigation.

- No other municipality had the resources to do so, so we hired a consultant. It is a person with long experience of such investigations, ”she says.

- He should look at everything, if we could have done otherwise.

The investigation must be completed by the first week of September. If the investigation results in criticism of the social administration's handling, the case will be reported to the Inspection for Health and Care, IVO.