US President Donald Trump has claimed more than 12,000 lies or misleading claims since his inauguration, the Washington Post reported Wednesday.

According to the WP's fact check team, President Trump has made 12,191 lying or misleading claims as of the 5th day of his 928 day.

This is an average of 13 times a day.

As of April 26, the FactCheck team reported that President Trump's claim had exceeded 10,000 times.

At that time, it averaged 12 cases per day, but since that time, the number has increased to 20 cases per day.

The most frequent sector is Trump's main theme, immigration, which accounts for around 20% of the total.

Among them, the number one claim that "border barriers are being built" was 190 times.

Although Congress has frustrated the budget for concrete barriers, WP says President Trump claims to repair pile fences or existing barriers as "barriers."

Trade, the economy and Russia's scandal in allegations of 2016 presidential elections also accounted for around 10%.

In economic terms, Trump has claimed 186 times since June last year that the US economy is the best in history, not as good as Dwight Eisenhower, Linden Johnson, and Bill Clinton, but that they have begun to face a headwind due to trade wars with China. WP's judgment.

President Trump has expressed 166 times that the US "lost" his money due to a trade deficit, but that the trade deficit only means he buys more than his counterpart, and he is also affected by macroeconomic factors such as exchange rates, growth rates, savings rates and investment rates. WP stressed.

The 162 remarks that President Trump passed the largest tax cut in history are also eighth in terms of tax cuts over the last 100 years, the WP said.

"President Trump's continued attack on Twitter adds to the total number of times," WP said. "More than 18% of all lies and misleading claims originated from his diligent fingers."

(Photo = Getty Images Korea)