Meeting of the group leaders in the Senate

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12 August 2019The President of the Council, Giuseppe Conte, will intervene for communications in the Senate Hall next Tuesday, 20 August. The conference of the group leaders established this by a majority. The classroom will meet tomorrow at 18 to vote for the calendar and on August 20 the assembly will meet again to hear the communications of the premier government crisis. "It is a very serious thing - Misto Loredana De Petris said at the end of the group leaders' conference - because it will not allow all senators to be present".

The conference of the group leaders met in the Senate after the parliamentary groups of the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party met in the morning. The President of the Senate Elisabetta Casellati had specified that "the convening of the Assembly, in the hypothesis that the calendar of the works is not approved in group leader unanimously, does not constitute any forcing, but exclusively the application of the regulation. 55, paragraph 3 in fact provides that only the Assembly, which is sovereign, decides on the proposals for modification of the calendar. Not the President, therefore, "he adds, stressing that the" respect for the rules "is a" guarantee "of the citizens.

Pd, Marcucci: "Tomorrow forcing unheard-of, unworthy show"
"We witnessed an unworthy show. President Casellati, in agreement with Salvini, convened a meeting tomorrow at 6:00 pm without the deadlines set by the regulation. It is a very serious forcing when in the group leader there was a majority agreement on Conte who reported 20 in the Chamber ". This was stated by Andrea Marcucci, leader of the PD in the Senate, leaving the meeting of the group leaders of Palazzo Madama. "La Casellati should not have lent", added Marcucci.

Possible scenarios
In the Pd Matteo Renzi has resumed the scene proposing a 'no tax' government that, before going to the vote, makes the maneuver and brings to completion the cut of the parliamentarians. The offer is for those who are there: from the M5s to Leu, passing through FI. And with the openings of the Five Stars, Matteo Salvini has seen the ghost he was driving away for days become material, that of an agreement that removes the elections. For this he first launched his "maneuver" to avoid the increase in VAT, which includes tax cuts and fiscal peace. Then he scheduled for Tuesday a meeting with FI and FdI, to tighten the ranks in 'anti-messio' function.

In this scenario of variable geometry, more political forces have appealed to the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella, who will have to manage the post-fall phase of the Conte government. To the proposal of Renzi came the "No", some "we'll see", different "yes, but". The former premier dem can count on his parliamentarians, who are in the majority in both the Senate and the Chamber groups. But the secretary Nicola Zingaretti, "frankly", said "no" to "an experience of Pd-M5s government to face the dramatic budget maneuver and then perhaps to return to the elections", also for the "fear of the immense space that this would give to Salvini ".

M5S, Di Maio: "Nobody wants to sit at the table with Renzi, only vote by parliamentary cut
"In the M5S nobody sits at the table with Renzi, there is no opening, there are no palace games to do. We only ask for the opening to vote for the parliamentary cut". This was stated by Deputy Premier and Minister Luigi Di Maio, during a live Facebook. In the morning the pentastellato leader met the parliamentarians: "If there will be need we will be there also in Ferragosto - he explains - We must cut the 345 parliamentarians. We are one step. It takes two hours! The only opening that interests us is this". To get out of the crisis, the Five Star leader relies on the decisions of the President of the Republic. "Mattarella is the only one who decides when and whether to vote". And then he asks the League to withdraw its ministers: "The League will dismiss all its ministers from this government. The ministers of the League should vote against themselves. We will be at the side of Giuseppe Conte. He has the right to report to the Chambers for say what we did, what we could do and what we won't do. They must look us in the eye. " Harsh words spoken by the leader M5s against the former ally during the assembly. "Not even 24 hours and Salvini returned to Berlusconi. We have given this country hope for an opportunity for the League to be able to change. Salvini has decided to return to the fold. We wish him a happy return home and a good return to Arcore ".