"Exercising strength training two to three times a week can remove almost half of all swelling and sweating," says Emilia Berin, PhD student in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Department of Clinical and Expressive Medicine in a press release.

"Exercise must be a great effort"

Exercise in general can reduce drowsiness has been shown by previous research, but other studies have not shown any clear connection, which may be due to the fact that the intensity of the exercise varies, the researcher thinks.

- It is probably the case that the exercise must involve a considerable effort with significantly increased heart rate, faster breathing and sweating to improve menopausal symptoms, says Emilia Berin.

- Our theory is that strenuous exercise can affect the endorphins in the central nervous system where the temperature control center is also located, she says.

58 women participated in the study

The study involved 58 women in menopause, the average age was 55 years. Half of the women lived their lives with irregular physical activity, more or less demanding. The other half started with strength training which meant considerable effort three times a week, 45 minutes per workout for 15 weeks.

Reduced their inconvenience

The study shows that those who trained in strength reduced their flocks by an average of 44 percent, while the participants in the other group had as much trouble as before.