• Fires: La Granja and Miraflores fires stabilized in the Sierra de Madrid, after burning 700 hectares
  • Madrid. 112 points out that the fire in the Madrid town of Miraflores could be intentional

"We are very proud to have saved this pack." The speaker is Ciro Muñoz , pilot of the Helitransported Brigade of the Community of Madrid based on Bustarviejo , and one of the heroes of the serious fire that almost a week ago was declared in La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia).

Ciro Muñoz and his team saved the lives of a group of more than 20 horses during the work of extinguishing the fire La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia) by getting the animals to change direction as they headed towards the flames.

As reported by Emergencies 112, the event occurred during the event that originated at La Granja when a group of 27 horses grazing in the mountains were scared between smoke and fire in the direction of one of the active sources of the fire.

"At that time the members of a Heliotransported Brigade of the Community of Madrid that participated in the extinction discover them from the helicopter and realize the danger they are in, " they said.

Thus, the pilot decided to change their direction and get in front of the animals to prevent them from reaching the fire by placing "just above them at a low height" , then led them to a safe area.

"We were flying at very low altitude and at low speed to try to get the horses scared by the noise of the helicopter . We got the horses to stop in that position, turn around and go down again towards the valley," explains Ciro Muñoz.

Muñoz explained in a video released by Emergencies that spotted the group of animals in the process of picking up the brigade that were in the area. "We tried to achieve with this maneuver that the horses did not go to a part where they would probably have been burned because on the right side of the mountain there was a lot of intensity in the fire," he says.

" We achieved the maneuver perfectly , we left the Brigade on the opposite flank, on the right, and once done, we made an orbit and found that the horses were in good condition. We are very proud," he added.

This Wednesday the fire in Miraflores de la Sierra and that of La Granja de San Ildefonso (Segovia) were considered controlled and therefore the number of troops displaced in the place was reduced.

That of the Royal Site of San Ildefonso, on the Segovian side of the mountains, has razed some 400 hectares , half of which correspond to the area of ​​the Guadarrama National Park and 100 of them are wooded , mainly pine, while in The Community of Madrid affected ten hectares in the municipality of Rascafría.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Madrid
  • Fires

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