As stated on the organization’s website, when selecting clothes, attention should be paid to its labeling and the availability of a document on the conformity of products to mandatory requirements. If the seller does not have the relevant papers, then you should be wary.

“The marking should clearly indicate who this product is intended for: markers are an indication of age, the words“ for children ”,“ for school age ”or“ for adolescents, ”says Elena Sarattseva, deputy head of Roskachestvo.

It is also important to study the raw material composition of the school uniform. A small amount of synthetics should not cause concern, but if the fabric contains more than 70% polyester fibers, such as polyester or polyamide, this kind of clothing will not “breathe” and create a “greenhouse effect”. This also applies to the lining, since if it is 100% polyester fibers, the fabric of the top of the suit will no longer matter in this matter.

Another point is the quality of the seams. They must be strong.

“Machine clips should be affixed to the upper and lower ends of the side pockets, and the bottom of the trousers should be processed,” the organization said.

Earlier, the Izvestia newspaper, citing Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, reported that it was planned to approve the preliminary national standard for school uniforms in Russia in 2020.