- Some nights it has been broken up to maybe five windows. And a larger window costs around SEK 10,000, says Bo Gäfvert, who is convener of the municipality's safety and security council.

Also, small boat owners who have a berth in the marina have complained of damaged moorings.

- Young people have been there and bathed, which is nice, but unfortunately it has become a little too busy when they jump off the boats.

Previously spared

According to Bo Gäfvert, Vadstena has previously been spared from similar incidents. But last summer, that changed.

- There was some gang formation, but it was arranged through collaboration with the schools. But now this summer the situation has worsened again.

The security company that the municipality employs has started to run extra rounds and as soon as possible, the municipal police, social services and the schools, and others, will gather for an extra meeting to deal with the situation.

- We need to identify which people in the gang or gang are behind the injury.

"Not going to let this pass"

The municipality has reported all vandalism to the police.

- At an upcoming meeting we will discuss what measures are needed. For example, we have gates on gates on the piers.

He also thinks that parents should pay more attention to what children and young people have when they are out in the evenings.

- We're not going to let this pass.