- This is not at all as expected, it is worrying, says Atso Romakkaniemi.

Long to swim to play bottom

The main play areas in the Torne River are 10 to 30 kilometers upstream. And the question now is whether many fish are too tired to swim all the way up.

Many people stop at the bridge in Anttis to look for salmon. The water is clear and shallow and the fishermen are often in a group before heading further north. But Ove Pekkari from Anttis thinks that salmon is not as common as before. When we stand on the bridge we see a single salmon. It swims with the stream.

- It is a very strange behavior at this time of year, says Ove Pekkari, they swim downwards when they finished playing at some point in October.

Salmon fishing tourists we talk to say that they only received two salmon this year. Last year, they received 15 for the same amount of time.

Salmon gets sick and dies in the summer is a different matter than when they die in late fall or winter. In the fall, some salmon die because they haven't eaten for months and are exhausted by the game

Tired salmon worries

"The situation is worrying," says Atso Romakkaniemi. This is partly due to the number of dead fish reported so far, but also because many fish appear to be too tired to swim longer distances.

The Finnish authorities have initiated extensive and intensive cooperation to investigate the cause of salmon in the Torne River becoming ill.

Samples are taken and diseased fish are examined at the National Food Agency's laboratory in Oulu. The water quality in the Torne River is monitored and the National Food Agency cooperates with the Swedish Veterinary Institute in Sweden.

Still, almost 60,000 salmon have passed the salmon counter in Kattilakoski, and that is a pretty good figure.

- Yes, it is a good figure to have the chance to maintain reproduction, says Atso Romakkaniemi. IF they manage to stay alive and are healthy enough to play, it remains to be seen.