Cancer has an appetite for eating sugar-containing nutrients, which scientists use to try to turn cancer cells into fats and uncover their genetic secrets.

Kevin Dickinson said in his report, published on the site "Big Think" that cancer is the second largest cause of mortality among Americans after heart disease.

Researchers are continuously working to uncover the genetic secrets of the disease and look for possible treatments; these efforts have led to a reduction in cancer mortality among men, women and children year after year between 1996 and 2016.

The more doctors discover new things about cancer, the greater our chances of learning to live with it.

Cancer and antioxidants
Contrary to what many believe, a cancerous tumor enjoys receiving nutrients from a diet just as much as taking another cell place, because it helps it grow, and its menu also includes antioxidants.

But this does not mean that we should refrain from taking antioxidants, as it neutralizes free chemical roots that shed oxidative stress on cells, which means that preventing damage to these cells can help prevent cancer, and it is best to avoid taking antioxidant supplements Oxidation unless the doctor asks us to.

In turn, you can get antioxidants from fruits, vegetables and beans, as research has shown that these antioxidants work together with additional molecules that can be found in all foods.

Antioxidants can be obtained from vegetables and fruits (Getty Images)

Cancer treatment costs
Two are no different about the fact that cancer treatment is expensive, not to mention the physical stress the patient is experiencing and the possibility of losing his life. The outcome of the cancer goes beyond the physical and psychological aspects. A study published last year found that 42% of patients depleted their life savings during two years of treatment.

Cancer favors sugars
The researchers found a positive correlation between the daily consumption of sugary drinks and increased risk of cancer. It should be noted that the list of sugary drinks includes not only soft drinks, but includes fruit juice made from 100% fruit and artificially sweetened beverages.

This study certainly helps to confirm the observations of the National Cancer Research Institute to reduce the intake of sugary drinks. Consequently, you can remove soft drinks from your diet, drink juice without sugar, and be careful to follow a healthy lifestyle.

Cancer accompanies grilling meat
Grilled meat conceals some carcinogens such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and heterocyclic aromatic amines.

These hydrocarbons are carried with smoke from the combustion of fats, while heterogeneous amines are formed when sugars interact with amino acids and creatine under high temperatures.

Unified theory about leukemia
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia affects one in two thousand children in the world. Researcher Mel Graves of the Cancer Research Institute in London believes he has found the cause. Are the main cause of this disease.

Graves argues that exposing children to germs in the first year of life is a pre-emptive measure to prevent these diseases, and can train a child's immune system to deal with pathogens and prevent genetic mutations.

Grilled meat conceals some carcinogens

Cancer vaccine
Immunotherapy aims to detect cancer cells, so that the body's immune system can attack them.

An example of an immunotherapy approach is the so-called "cancer vaccine." During clinical trials, 11 patients injected cancer with a steroid compound to enhance the location of dendritic cells, the cells of the immune system that are competent to treat antigens.

After injecting a light dose of stimulant and radiation into the body, the dendritic cells in the patients' body directed the T cells to attack the cancer cells, and once the T cells identified the tumor, they were able to locate the cancer cells throughout the body.

Of the 11 patients undergoing treatment, three had decreased or fully recovered, while six had stopped developing for at least three months.

Transforming tumors into fats
Flexibility of cells is the deadly tool of cancer cells, which is the ability of the cell to change its physiological properties, and is one of the reasons that cancer spread throughout the body, and help him to resist treatments.

Using drug therapy that combines anti-diabetes drugs and methyl ethyl ketone inhibitors, the researchers attacked the cancer cells and turned them into fat cells, also known as fat cells.

Researchers have attacked cancer cells and turned them into fat cells (Getty Images)

Bacteria that kill cancer
Synthetic biology is the new advance in cancer treatment, an area where scientists use engineering principles to redesign biological systems.

"At some point in the future, we will use programmable bacteria to treat this disease, and I think this method has great potential," Michael Dogan, an immunologist at Massachusetts General Hospital, told the New York Times.

A new attitude towards cancer
Doctors saw cancer as a disease that must be destroyed, and the treatment was stronger than the disease because it managed to eradicate it. Because the body makes and does not receive cancer, the only way to fight cancer is through comprehensive treatment.

Living with cancer
Scientists have a great deal of information about cancer, but there is still a lot we do not know about this disease, and this does not make us desperate to develop solutions to eradicate cancer in the future, thanks to the knowledge gathered by scientists, we have much to hope for.

It is undeniable that the number of new cases of cancer and mortality continues to rise. However, cancer diagnosis and death rates are declining year after year, because absolute figures do not take into account measures such as population growth and increased life expectancy.